Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Whatever problems we have pale in comparison

My daughter worked at the Salvation Army yesterday. They are seeing about 60 people, not including kids, per hour while they are open. A diabetic woman came through and she helped her find low car pasta, low carb sauce and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I couldn't have been more proud to hear her relay this bit. She started off on the "pasta table" and was soon moved to her real talent - the hygiene table.

A weird thing happens when people help out of obligation instead of love ( and it is about the love isn't it Dale!) they start tossing in whatever into the bags. Bear realized this and started matching the strawberry shampoo with the strawberry conditioner. She relayed to me that she told a coworker - you just can't give someone freesia shampoo and strawberry conditioner. That is the difference between doing a job and trying to help a person - seeing those coming through as people - not refugees in a line.

( KLEENEX ALERT) During her break, she had a young man named Matt, who was talking to her about his rescue and his trip here. Matt is about 25 and works construction. Seems the day before the storms, the news was reporting that the hurricane would miss New Orleans, so he went into work anyway. About midmorning, it became clear that the storms would be pretty bad, so he arranged for his wife and two daughters, 3 and 6 months, to leave home, take the car and meet him where it was safe.
His wife's friend was to follow them out to safety.

The levee broke, the wall of water came rushing through town

He was trapped in his office building, only being rescued two days ago. When he got to the shelter, he met his wife's friend. She relayed that she had followed them for a while, but the water came and they didn't make it.

He was flown here the next day, standing in line at the Salvation Army. His parents gone and now his wife and babies are as well. He talked to Bear, and didn't want to talk to counselors. He didn't want to hear that he will get over it. Said he isn't going back to New Orleans and that he is staying in a hotel for awhile.

Matt, we cried over your story in the car, and again over dinner as we retold it. We are hoping to find you and give you a home while the terrible work of healing your heart takes place.

1 comment:

Dale said...

I pray Matt finds more good folks like you and Bear. It helps sometimes just to talk to someone who cares.