Friday, September 09, 2005

My old flame

I feel like I am having a torrid affair with football. All the signs are there - inattention to my mate, long weir hours, buying things on my credit card that aren't for him... you know mouthpieces, knee pads, school spirit shirts.... Every evening, it keeps me out until after 9, my car smells like - teenaged boys and locker room stuff and there are times I feel like i am trading husband time for football time. I am willing to stay up and fold laundry until well passed bed time as long as I can watch Peyton - or Micheal Vick - or Brett Farve. Last week I even watched the first half of the UGA game, risking being late to my son's game. I stayed up late to watch Florida beat Miami - though the end of the fourth quarter was pretty foggy, it was a great game.

Honey, I'll be yours again in November - well , right after the Superbowl!

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