Friday, September 16, 2005

Rhythm of Life

It is funny to me when people don't believe in God. Not funny as in humorous, funny as in odd. I can understand thinking He isn't paying attention - or isn't doing what I might want right this minute, but to doubt the very existence escapes me.

I teach people about diabetes, talking about the intricate balance in the body between estrogen, insulin, seratonin, glucagon, amylin, carbohydrates, testosterone - it is not a simple system. Because the body is such an intricate system, there are lots of places where the disease or imbalances can be addressed.

I can see a difference in the health of someone who practices stress reduction by paying attention to their breathing - watching the rhythm. I can see clearly the diseases that take place when a person allows stress or food intolerances to interfere with their healthy immune system as they come in with every inflammatory process under the sun: asthma, arthritis, back pain, lupus, chronic fatigue and even diabetes and hypertension.

It astounds me how we as people think we know more than our Creator and we have taken what is healthy - like oats from the field and fruit from the trees - and changed it in a lab to taste better, but have less nutritional value. We fix things that aren't broken. If half my patients would get off crackers and frozen dinners and back to some fresh fruit, they would feel a lot better. Sorry - I digress.

When I worked ER, there was no question in my mind that nights of a full moon were different - maybe not busier in terms of numbers- but weird things happened inevitably.

Babies are born during a full moon - many women give birth during the full moon and will continue to menstruate years later at the time of the full moon.

Geese and moose and birds and caribou - they all know when to migrate. Salmon swim back to the place they were born - without a map.

I was just sitting here thinking that I cannot imagine how all these things could be accidental - especially when I see the things that we as humans create -randomness doesn't make much sense.

1 comment:

Summer said...

Loner I completely agree.

The first biology professor I ever had in college told us on the first day of class: "The more I learn about science and the more I study life, the more it proves to me that there is a God."

And then my reproduction professor told me that life can not be accidental. There are too many factors against conception...timing, hormones, etc. He said all life was a miracle in and of itself.

And I couldn't agree more with those two statements.