Monday, September 12, 2005

Spinning Round and Round

Peyton Manning - just a joy to behold someone play football well. It was worth it to stay up late, and fold laundry while watching you work your magic. Thanks for that.

Two weeks in a row Josh's team just blew their opponents out of the water - having to stop scoring after the half to show good sportsmanship and not humiliate the opposing team. He is rotating as one of several pairs of receivers - each play is good and he had a couple of good hits. He is really becoming a solid player.

Jacob's team finally won - but the coach has demoted him from starter to three plays a game. All last week Jake was his focus - getting pushed harder than the other kids each time trying to help him hit harder - or so I thought until he got a measly three plays that game. Not thrilled with this - mamma is going to have to have a talk with the coach tonight. In a great blessing - Jake is so happy they won that he didn't even notice that most of his game was seen from the sidelines.

The baby goats are amazing - and hopefully I will be able to figure out that camera and the picture downloading so that I can post a real picture of them.

Bear is signed up for the SATs and finally it looks like college is looming in our future.

There is a distinct possibility that the bunnies are not both girls. Hopefully I am wrong - but if not we've decided what to donate to the white elephant sale.... no one needs that many rabbits.

We watched our friends' sons this weekend - I miss having little bitty kids - it was a lot of fun. I learned that to be someone's friend you have to bring them donuts....makes sense to me.

Funny thing about having Father over to your house - when you go to church, he knows who you are and pays attention to what your teenagers are doing - so all through Mass I was worried that he would see them conversing .... I hate that. When we left church, he didn't excommunicate us, so I guess he missed it when we all started laughing - well our shoulders were shaking uncontrollably- because ONE of us moved and let out a little squeaky fart accidentally. Sorry, it was just funny.

The ducks have now decided we are frightening - they used to come up to us - now they run away - even when I bring food - as though roast duck were on the menu. Not sure what brought this on - but I'll be glad when it stops.


Anvilcloud said...

Aren't there rules for equitable time? When I coached house league softball, everyone had to play at least three innings.

nunya said...

Thanks for watching my kids this weekend! Anytime you want to have that kind of fun again, you just let me know and they're YOURS! I'll even send more donuts!

Badpatty said...

AC - He's required to play Jake four plays per game, which is about what he got. Coach wasn't at practice tonight, so I wasn't able to have a little talk with him. Loner wanted me to, since she was afraid she would lay into him. She thinks I'm the reasonable one. I'd also like to point out that is was NOT my wife but one of the children who stepped on a mouse in church! I don't think she pointed that out quite well enough.

nunya said...

When is someone going to explain that donut thing to me? Couldn't get a straight answer out of either one of the kids.