Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Just another day

Here is yesterday's schedule:
6:45 wake up, get Jake up,
go outside- turn of security lights
feed ducks, water ducks, let them out of pen
feed and water goats, let them out of pen
7:00 reckeck Jake to make sure he is out of bed and making breakfast
wake Jerra
get Jake's medicine
feed and water dogs, let them outside and into their pen
( usually throw in a load of laundry here - lucked out today)
7:15 kiss Justin goodbye,
help Jake gather things in his backpack
recheck his hair and his clothes
wash dishes
7:20 jake is out the door
give Jerra 10 minute warning
rush to bathroom for fast shower
Reset Jake's alarm for tomorrow
735 out of shower, wet hair, dressed to go
Wake Josh
Sign anything else he needed for school
8:00 drop off Jerra, get to work
1230 pick up Jerra, take her home - use up my lunch half hour, check the mail
1:10 back to work, talk to the kids about ten times before I leave at 4:30
430 leave for home
4:45 stop off at Wal Mart for milk and butter
5:30 get home, help kids find football gear
change into shorts
see what we have for supper
water goats and bunnies
6:10 leave for football practice - drop off kid 1, wait at field until practice starts, then off to home.
7:00 get gas, pick up kid 2,
7:15 practice field is switched, so we drive another 10 minutes to get to practice
8:00 home - start dinner, sweep the kitchen floor, pick up laundry
8:30 Justin gets home with kid 1, we start eating about 10 minutes later
then dishes, check homework check animals
9:10 go get kid 2 - practice started late, so it won't be over until 9:30
940 - home finally, but kid 2 has a project to work on.
945 let the dogs in , tuck in kid 1
1025 watch the Falcon's game while looking for cars with minerals ( i kid you not)
1040 sneak in Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough icecream while trying ot wind down - no luck there
11:30 afterworking on school project, locating scotch tape, markers and poster board, then polishing my nails, I watch the fourth quarter in bed - but fall asleep instead.


nunya said...

I'm tired just reading this!

Badpatty said...

It WAS a doozy, especially since I actually left the house around 6:30. Ack! You need a vacation on a ship, where people are going to cater to your every whim.

Loner said...

Wow - if you left at 6:30 then I wonder who I kissed at 7:15....