Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Just Stuff

Now that I live in the South, it seems that I am doing a lot of my teaching using my hands - and people actually LOOK at them. So I am compelled to keep my nails polished - since I work outside whenever I can and even scrubbing won't hide the stains on my nails.This morning, I polished my nails at my desk and committed the ultimate sin- I didn't put the lid back on tightly - so now my office smells like acetone - or a crack factory - I don't know - and there is a lovely sunset pink stripe down the center of my desk. But I missed coating my white lab jacket - so it could have been much worse. And my nails look much better.

We are going to the county fair tonight - I am so cheating on you Mr Atkins - an Elephant ear is in my future.

Justin found good herbal fly repellent for my baby goats, so I will be able to avoid the fate of the last two days - washing away fly babies from in between the goats toes and off their fur. Pretty much the most disgusting task ever. I won't accost you with the details - though I am sending Summer an e-mail to get some muchneeded help.

I forgot to record the goats this morning (thanks to YoJ for directing me to audiopost)- so I will try to remember it at lunch time

Bear met someone - outside her normal group of friends - only to find he went to high school with her group of friends. We'll see - he is meeting us at the fair.

The boys are doing well this morning - both alarms went off and they made it to school.

And last but not least - Tammy loaned us her husband last night and he worked some magic on our poor old home PC - thanks, man, I know you probably wanted to get home, but you helped us out anyway. Maybe I'll be able to post some pictures in the near future!


nunya said...

My husband was at your house last night??? (grin)

Loner said...

oops secrets out!

Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

Here in the South, fab nails are the law! We all look at each other's nails, and judge each other by them!

I spend hours of anguish over my nails.