Friday, September 23, 2005


Yesterday sucked - not just bad day - but exceptionally frustrating want to rip my hair out kind of bad day.

The hospital is full - so over capacity with evacuees that we are setting up beds in places we don't normally have beds. And my beeper is ringing constantly. Why people don't understand that chatting with someone about their diabetes is not a reason to hold up sending them home is entirely beyond my realm of comprehension. I didn't even leave for lunch until 1:30. This topping a two week period where I am frequently here until after 5.

Then the real fun began - to spare my kids I will say that if you are lost you are supposed to go back to the last place you saw your family - or come to where your mom works and sit - or go to the football field where you practice. I spent more than 3 hours yesterday driving around, panicking, looking for kids - two kids, two incidents. I came home at 8pm and made a ginormous fuzzy navel with diet orange drink- I needed a drink that badly. Dinner was good - though I am not sure how much of that was the fuzzy navel.

So a couple other things to share:

While watching the North Carolina game, one of my kids was marveling at the blue and black designs in the grass and asked: How do they get the grass to grow that color?

Me: Why didn't they hire you, it seemed like it went well?
J: I don't know why the hell they didn't hire me!
Me: Well, perhaps it was the profanity.
J2: Oh no, it was the racial slurs
J:Yea, I said " Oh no cracker please, I don't need this job, my momma's making me get a job, shooooot"
White suburban kids and their ghetto talk - who knows what they are saying.

When asked about his girlfriend, Jake told me: Well, I think we broke up - I can't tell exactly, but now she doesn't send me notes, so I think that must be the end.


taza said...

I can relate to the ghetto vibe; my son's father is Black, lives outside of Atlanta, and talk de talk hisself. Every time they'd hang for a week or so, my son'd come back to the desert and he be talkin all kinda strange stuff like he from da 'hood an all dat.

He doesn't do it as much anymore, being all grown up and stuff, but it was funny to listen to it when he was in his teens.

Me said...

OMGosh... similar breakup talk this week.

Me: Ummm, are you still going out with "B"
Him, looking dramatically all confused and crap; "Uh, who? Oh! Umm, no we broke up about a week ago. I thought I told you."
Me (knowing full well he didn't) "No, you didn't say a thing. What happened?"
Him: "Why'd we break up? Uh, I don't remember, it was like, so long ago."
Me: Don't start that crap. One week ago is NOT that long ago. That's B.S. don't lie to me. It's NOT that big of a question! Why'd ya break up?
He: Well, rumors.
Me: Rumors?
He: Yeah. A bunch of kids were telling her I was gonna break up and telling me SHE was gonna break up so ... I guess we just broke up.
Me: Well... did it occur to you to TALK to HER about it?

He: Oh. Umm. No.... not really.

Badpatty said...

Gawd, I love Merritt. She just cracks me up.

magz said...

hi sweetie! i just lissened to yer audio post, sounds like home to me and YOU sound.. like sister, sister!

wanna talk turkey ya hard workin woman? come see the tale i just told on mine... hahahhaa. i thought of you while I was busy thawing this am.. it's EXACTLY what you'd a done, i just know it, he he heee. Love ya seestah, you be da bomb; word. (just dont call me phat, hahahaha)