Friday, September 02, 2005

not my normal fare - but interested in your opinion

A South African inventor has finally come up with a device to turn the tables, and anti-rape female condom. Here is the article. As a survivor of domestic violence - and a mother who fears for her daughter in the culture where life has little value, I think it is about time that a woman has an option other than a gun or mace. This would get the attacker where it really hurts and hopefully render him incapacitated - like a swift kick in the private parts. The logistics are a bit complicated, but if you knew that you had a violent man who continued to threaten to hurt you in this way, this would offer some protection - or at least the knowledge that you would have a chance to escape.

For my part, I hope the device finds a market - especially in places where rape is common and women are treated with less care than the family dog.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm all for it! Cna we get this sent to New Orleans?