Monday, October 03, 2005

Breath of Snow and Ashes

My book came last week - only got through the first seven chapters - football got in the way a bit... I know that it is nearly blasphemy to say such a thing.

I just want to thank Diana Gabaldon for yet another excellent adventure - it is like a family reunion every time I read her book - I have missed my friends Jamie and Claire.

And more importantly, thanks to Steph for directing me... To the books, to the husband and soon to auntie-hood!

In other news, I took the goats to the vet - an hour away but it was worth it - he is great and forewarned me that since they were weaned so early they will have some trouble with their immune systems. Little Bit is on antibiotics for the next week, which he is taking like a real sport - amoxicillin and molasses - what a combo!

The trip also yielded Bob. You guessed it - the vet had a pen with Free Kittens ( yea, I know they aren't really free) and this cute guy with green eyes kept attacking my hand, so I brought him home.

I hadn't named him, and Bear came home and asked what his name was, I said I didn't know. She replied that she would call him Bob - and the name stuck. Cute little rascal - he is only about 4 weeks old and can't even weight half a pound yet. Nothing steals your heart faster tahn a little baby curled up on your lap - the goats and the kitten - just melt me every time.

I know, pictures are forthcoming.


nunya said...

Uh, we have a stray cat that's hanging around....can he come to your house??

Badpatty said...

Tammy? Not only no, but HELL no. We have enough critters to last us for a little while.