Thursday, October 13, 2005

Requiem for the Prizm

After 9/11 there were a number of car companies that offered zero percent financing - I had a Jeep Cherokee and a big car payment - so Dad and Mom helped me get the financing for a new car with zero percent.

Ever the granola-head - it was important that the car get good gas mileage - so we picked a Chevy Prizm. The car has had some minor porblems along the way - but overall it has been a good car.

At nearly forty miles to the gallon,the Prizm has been to Dallas, Albuquerque, Tsaile Arizona, Kansas City MO, Chicago, and a hundred backroads in Indiana.

In April- the engine was replaced under warranty
In May - the tire blew out while Bear was driving and the car was totalled
In July I got the car back after investing a bit of my own money
In September Justin got T-boned
In October, the insurance company has again totalled the car

Two totallings later, I think it is a hint - so
Yesterday we went to see a minivan that my sister in law told us about - and we will pick it up on Friday. I hate to see the Prizm go - maybe I'll even consider buying another one down the line...but for now, dear Prizm who has served the family well - thanks and I hope some nice kid with a knack for body work picks you up.

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