Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Dear Electric Company and/or the Person Who Knocked out our Power

While I realize that knocking out power at 1am this morning was probably not intentional, it caused me to wake up from the deliciously dead sleep I fell into at 11 last night. Further, it awakened my daughter who was compelled to start scanning our backyard with a 1000 candle searchlight - thus alerting me that someone else was up and forcing me to get out of bed.

On a side note - thank you to the candles and matches who so dutifully stayed where they were supposed to be so that the house was illuminated swiftly. Also thanks to Wal-Mart for the hurricane candle holders they had on sale two weeks ago - I lit the tea lights and went back to sleep.

Turning the power back on with a loud crack at 4:24am was an equally impolite measure - awakening me again after I had finally fallen asleep some time after 2. No one's alarm went off this morning and I rushed out of bed at 7:24 only to find that Jake had already missed the bus before we even woke up.

I am too old to only get 2 - 4 hours of sleep in a row each night - please try not to wake me again tonight because I am feeling a wee bit cranky from the lack of sleep. Generally, you provide good service and keep the floodlights shining in the back yard so that I can check my baby goats whenever I want, but last night was an off night.



Anvilcloud said...

You were probably dreaming of youthful, bare chested hunks in kilts just then too.

Loner said...

Even better, AC, I sleep next to one!