Friday, October 28, 2005

Five Stitches

It was a weird day yesterday -
I got my feelings hurt by a text message - and unfortunately it tainted most of my afternoon.

I got paid and then went to H*me Dep*t to get replacement boards for the bridge and insulation for the attic above the bedroom ( there is NO insulation up there now - just the ceiling panels and then the roof and it is a bit chilly to be without insulation). I had already stopped to get wheat straw bales that I use to line the outside of the dog pen for the winter - good insulation and wind break for them - and for $20 I can also reuse it in my garden next year.

Got home and emptied things out of the van with the ever-helpful Jake - then took Josh over to football practice and went to W*&mart to get Jakes birthday present - it is cool - but I can't post until next Wednesday because none of us can keep a secret more than about a minute.

Well, the evening was winding down - Jacob had to do a biome project - and was busy loading Shrek cupcake liners to substitute as grass. Right about then Ringo woke up and I took him outside. It was brisk and I spent a few minutes petting Matilda until she rolled over on her bag, lolling out her tongue. Went inside and microwaved the milk for Ringo while he rounded about my feet trying to climb up my leg to get to the milk.

When I took the cup out of the microwave, something went wrong and the next ting I knew I had that sensation that I was about to have stitches in my finger. The handle on the cup broke off and sliced my pinkie finger about three inches down. Stupid Chaco Canyon cup.

The frenzy that ensued as I tried to talk everyone out of taking me to the ER, the rounding put of the goat and kitten and bringing the dogs in and getting the boys hurriedly to bed was something straight from keystone Cops - the endorphins working in my system and the finger numb we tried to regain control.

I am now the proud owner of five black stitches and about a pound of gauze wrap on my right hand.

The good news is that I am off DISH DUTY for the next ten days - the ER got me in and stitched including an X-Ray in about 2 hours and with the exception of one poopy nurse, everyone else was fabulous. Made me proud to work here.

For the record there are no pictures because I went to the ER with NO makeup ( it was 10:30 after all) dirty farm jeans and a sweater that was splashed by Coke Zero just moments before I left the house. Not a photo op by any stretch. I googled pictures - but they grossed me out, so I'll save you that pain.

Hope a restful weekend is in store for you and me BOTH!


Thoughts From Serenity said...

Ouch! So so sorry to hear about the accident....and your finger! Makes me sad. Sure hope it will be okay. Sorry you had a rough day...seems everything always goes wrong at the same time.
I messed up my comuter last night trying to download Yahoo and set up Yahoo account. Lost my old toolbar and had trouble trying to comment on your blog...I am just not computer savy....that's a fact!
Anyway, hope today is a better day for you. Glad your finger got fixed!
Love ya,

Dale said...

Oh dear! Poor you! But at least you won't have to do dishes for a while. You'll be able to sit back, relax ... and watch them pile up. LOL!!

Anvilcloud said...

Don't you wish that you had a video of that scene?

Badpatty said...

Just makes me wish that, on days when you're hurt and I'm swamped and tired, it's important to actually get out of bed and DO something. I tried, honey.

SJ said...

Nasty! Good to see you went and got stitches though. Hope it heals quickly!

Anonymous said...

Yee-Ouch!! Eat on paper plates for a while. Take it easy and watch some movies.

nunya said...

Yeah, paper plates!

Can you belly dance with that hand bandaged?? (grin)

Bear said...

Sorry about that whole Coke thing Mamma...I was actually trying to bad...