Thursday, October 06, 2005

The attack of premenopause

I am having another day. Be forwarned, I feel whiny - and expect that this will sound atypically whiny. I have never been one to have PMS, but all of a sudden, I am finding I am on the verge of tears or yelling for at least two days each month - frankly I could live without that. I'll be forty in June, and I guess it is time - they say you start menopause when your mom does - but I'm adopted, so like a million other genetic things - I have no idea when that might be. My muscles hurt and I can't get comfortable to sleep soundly, my body just feels puffy - even though I am trying to eat healthy - knowing I am under a lot of stress right now. Being ever the Loner - I set up an appointment with a GYN next week to check my hormone levels to see why I feel like such a ragin' B!#ch - then want to cry.

Work is at an all time high - I saw more patients in the last four weeks than I did in 8 weeks over the summer. I worked 8 hours of overtime. I found out how much my husband weighs - and I weigh more - now I need Prozac. My folks are coming- and I am so excited - but also keenly aware that I have some clean up work to do before I show them the house I am so proud of. Mostly, I just need some time away from the two jobs that start at 7 and don't seem to end until after 10:30 every night.

We have this ongoing "joke" that only one of us can be out of sorts at a time - and Justin lost his job so right now, it is my turn to be in sorts - but I really don't feel like it.

I am going to stop typing right now - go to the cafeteria and get fries and a Coke Zero - palliative coping I know, but I have had about enough. Why doesn't the blasted cafeteria carry Ben & Jerry's!!!!


Thoughts From Serenity said...

Hey there...check out and read about their menopause Balance Complex...I'm told they have great results with pre-meno ladies. Might be worth a try. Sometimes takes 10 years from beginning to actual be-ginning! FYI I was 50....not that that helps you any :)

Anvilcloud said...

Coke Zero should help. :) Actually, I'm just guessing. It's new here, and I've bought my first case but haven't tried it yet.

C said...

I just checked out "What your doctor won't tell you about premenopause" because I'm already having issues ... at 33!! Anyway, it has been very helpful for me as my doctor and I try to figure out a plan.

Hang in there.

Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

If your doctor won't tell you, I will, LOL!

For real life examples see my Adventures of Aging 1-4......

starts here:My Pre menopause tales