Monday, August 01, 2005

I want to quit - not my job, his

Can a wife quit her husband's job? I'm not sure...but after three weeks of tough - after-hours-still working on the computer at midnight- working through the weekends, I have about had it.

This is a tender area - he likes the job - it keeps his brain busy, they seem to appreciate his abilities, he has people there he can buddy up with. Neither of us like the hours and the traveling. Seems like neither of us can do much to fix it - I feel like I have to carry the load - and he feels bad that I have to carry the load. I hate feeling like a whiney wife - I don't do whiney very well - upsets me, surely it upsets him - and I don't know what to do. Loner's don't whine, we fix things -and I can't fix this for either of us.

I worry that going back into single parent mode will get comfortable for us - then we are back to me running the family and the household - and he is back to " insert husband into slot B to complete the family". I worry about feeding my addiction to seeing him, just being around him and feeling the rejuvenation from someone who loves me.

It is not what either of us envisioned, not what either of us want as a reality for our lives. So Since I can't quit his job, I will have to adjust mine - my hours, my priorities, so that things get done.

We did get the ducklings into a bigger pen - and if Wal-Mart hadn't lost my pictures, I would be posting them. Instead, I am taking more this week. I lengthened the goat pen so that they can graze on the overgrown area in the back yard - you can just never have too much chicken wire. The kids helped in the yard- and with school starting, we should get back in to a better rhythm again.

I miss my husband, and I know that this will pass. I never had a husband that I missed before - and for the ability to miss someone and pine away for one more moment together, I am eternally grateful.


nunya said...

You can come hang out with me anytime you want! Or I can bring William and John over to see the goats...

Loner said...

Girl, when school starts next week and I find out about Jerra's schedule - I am calling you for some girl time - there are garden shops to peruse!

nunya said...

Check out the blog!