Friday, August 26, 2005

And Joy comes in the Morning

Did you ever get that story by e-mail about the farmer and his wife who were visited by angels? They didn't have much but they shared what they had freely. During the night, the cow died. The first angel asked the second angel - why did we take their cow? They were so kind to us. The second angel answers, "I took their kindness into consideration and asked God if I could take the cow instead of taking the wife like I was supposed to."

This morning I have some perspective - and since I am still typing, and have not been accosted by a psychotic ex husband, I am inclined to believe that the incident was random - probably kids playing in the woods. There has been no further drama - other than the unfortunate demise of a possum last night. I think it has been a good lesson - that we need to keep our guard up and stay safe. We will also go on the offensive - and instead of waiting for the Ogre to show up, we will keep tabs on him.

There is a lot to be thankful for - it was the goats, not the kids.
Burger King graciously made my breakfast and got my order right
We had enough money to buy lights when we needed them - and Josh said the yard was "cool"
Everyone got to sleep last night - though a bit late
We had family and friends offer to help - and mean it
Justin's flight went without incident - and he got home in one piece
And Josh finally was rewarded for his hard work: Last night at practice, he was moved up front eh B team to the A team - seems the coach was impressed by how hard he was working at practice. The B team was a pretty big blow to him since he had started both offense and defense at home - and now was getting in every tenth offensive play - translated that means he was working every day in practice and not getting much game time.

The promotion to the A team also means that my big conflict problem of overlapping football games and having to choose which son to go see - is also over. Jake has variable times for his games, but Josh's are evening games - eliminating my problem - and filling my Saturdays to the brim with FOOTBALL.

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