Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Help - the Figs are overtaking my House!

Being new to the South, I have never had a fig tree - now I have a fig tree that is about 30 feet high and about 30 feet in diameter. Due to all the rain, or so I have been told, the tree has felt especially prolific - I filled up a gallon bucket of figs already - and that isn't even half the amount on the tree. Bear has been trying to help me keep up with the picking - but there is more tree than we can handle. The yard is just awash in color as birds come flying in to partake from the branches I cannot reach. I'm pretty sure the barking from the dogs was instigated by a possum trying ti grab a couple from the tree - and the squirrels are braving dog-infested waters to try to gather a couple for themselves. The only player missing is our hawk - though she is probably coming by early enough in the morning that I am missing her.

I have been out every day trying to pick the ripe figs - having been told I will know they are ripe the day after the birds have eaten them all. Sunday, Justin came out to check on me and I was half way up the tree, my shirt tied up to try to accommodate more figs than my hands could hold, leaves in my hair- but I have figs - green and chocolate brown on the outside, coral pink flesh inside and sticky sweetness - so maybe my appearance doesn't matter so much!

So this is my cry for help - any ideas on recipes for figs - I have about a ZILLION and I don't want to waste them. The trusted Blue Book didn't have anything about dehydrating and the jam didn't sound very appetizing - another recipe would be great. I have a dehydrator - and I have canning equipment - so any ideas would be welcome! Help a girl out! There are only so many figs I can eat off the tree...So recipes are welcome.

I'll be fussing about pecans soon- hope I don't bore you to tears!


Loner said...

Thanks to Steph for saving the day with a couple recipes - still looking for one with candied figs - off to search...I wonder if customs would bother with a jar of figs?

Jammie J. said...

I have a baby fig tree that is going, ummm, bananas? Figgy? Crazy? Best of nature's candy are figs, I swear. Plus, everytime I eat one it reminds me of my grandpa ... when I was a teenager, we'd walk down to the end of the property and eat a couple of figs together.

Good times.

Do figs freeze well?

Anonymous said...

I love figs.


Loner said...

j- I think they freeze - my girl Steph hooked me up with a bunch of recipes for drying and canning - and I found a couple of things on Food Network. Looks like I'll have plenty of preserves!

Anonymous said...


I just found this. It is great!

SJ said...

You know, that has got be one of the greatest opening lines ever in literature, never mind on blogs!

"Being new to the South, I have never had a fig tree..."


Dale said...

Figs! Pecans! Up here in Canada, we've got Oak trees and Maple trees. Very pretty in their autumn dress. We've got peaches and apples and pears and cherries. But figs? I thought they came from Israel. Or something. And pecans? So expensive here!