Friday, July 22, 2005

Working sucks

FUCK!!!! ( sorry mom, it just fell out of my mouth) I am so frustrated with my job that I could freaking scream!!!!

In the last week, I have been slammed - back to back patients for two weeks in a row - class upon class. Each time I make a decision about how to handle something my boss lady - who told me she doesn't micromanage - has to shoot me a pile of e-mails or call me. I am SO tired of all of this. Last week I got sent to the satellite hospital which is 30 minutes away - had to leave at 4:15 instead of 4:30 - got in trouble even though I saw twice as many patients as they expected me to. My beeper fell out of my pocket in the rush and when they beeped me, I didn't answer - but that explanation wasn't good enough - now I need to call my boss if I have to leave 10 minutes early - WTF!!! I am salaried - so when I came in at 7:15 this morning to get caught up - I didn't bother to tell her - now I'm sending an e-mail.

I don't mind working hard - but slamming me all the time, then being upset that I am behind is just not fair. I am the first to volunteer to help out - putting myself behind, then I come early to get caught up - and instead of being appreciative, I get flack. Too old and too laden with other things at home to have a job that is going to stress me out. I am working now in my dreams - four nights in a row.

I hope that things lighten up - I don't want to go - but I work so that I can afford to live - not live to work and when things start to feel otherwise, it's time to re-evaluate my job.

Today, I posted my resume. I cannot take it anymore. I love seeing patients but the constant picking is more that I can handle - and frankly, I've been a nurse for 11 years - I don't have to take it if I don't want to.


Anonymous said...

Amen sister!- love Steph

Anvilcloud said...

Some people have no concept of how to be boss or manager, which is mainly to get out of the way and let people do their jobs.

Lora said...

Thank you! Now you know how I felt at Blockbuster!

Crappy bosses suck!

Thoughts From Serenity said...

Tough to have demanding bosses! Keep your cool until you "hear" what direction you should take...and then BOLT!! You know what I mean....I'll send up some S.O.S. messages for you too! You'll do the right thing...just take your time so you are sure what you want to do. You know..don't burn the bridges....This too may pass...but if it doesn't...move on. You have talent and education and are a smart cookie. Things will work out. LYlots mom