Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Short post this morning -
Got the goats - though of course there is a story along with it - they were grazing happily in the pen this morning when I left for work

got the kids - my kids that is - and they were sleeping when I left - making it really difficult to head off to work.

The ducks mucked up the bathtubs - but did fine over the weekend. Ripley is getting in her flight feathers - I'll have to take a picture so you can see it. Duck adolescence - kind of weird.

And I finished the rabbit hutch that we will use for the ducklings who will probably arrive tomorrow or Thursday.

It poured here - so fireworks tonight instead - woo hoo.

And we have two dogs still in need of a home - more on that later.

Hope y'all had a great holiday weekend!

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