Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Clampets

Yesterday the cable guy came to our house. Unfortunately, I did not realize that two of my children stayed up all night watching movies - so my assumption that an 11 o'clock installation time would be fine - was incorrect.
I called the house at 11 - only to find that my daughter was still sleeping - I asked Jake to wake her - she wasn't thrilled about getting up, but she did. I told her that she might want to get ready in case the cable guy got there in the next few minutes. My warning was not heeded.

Here is what she told me last night:
J: Mom, I think the cable guy called us the Clampets
Me: Are you serious, he just came out and said that?
J: No. First he said y'all kind of live out in the boonies don't you. And I answered yea kind of. And thought I guess this is the boonies -if you ignore that Publix is about a mile away, but okay.

Then the dogs were all in - and then the boys were fighting over something in the basement while he was trying to hook up that TV. When he came back upstairs, passing the duck cage and the frogs and the parakeets - he said something about y'all have a lot of animals don't you. Like a farm or something here.

Well, at least I didn't have possum simmering on the stove.


Anvilcloud said...

What about rheumatiz medicine in the vat, Granny?

Envoy-ette said...

And the shot gun trying to marry off your daughter! LOL