Thursday, July 07, 2005

Ducks in a box - new addition

The pictures are as follows: upper left blue runner ducks - upper middle black runners - upper right chocolate runners and lower left buff orphingtons -who will be bigger ducks like Pekin is.

This morning I got the call while feeding the dogs: "Uh this is the post office. We have a package that has the city and your name, but no delivery address. It says we are to call you for pick-up. The box has some kind of birds or something. I hope someone actually lives at this number. Could you please call and come get the box, they are pretty loud."

So of course I call back, and race over to the post office, then call my office to say I'll be late. But I have to teach a gestational diabetes class this morning - so I don't have time to go back home. We decide to drop the ducks off in our spare classroom and then I can drop them home at lunch. So now I have a printer paper box with 14 ducks - there was a bit of confusion and we are missing one. They are happily peeping on the overhead projector - because that was the closest thing I have to a heat lamp - drinking water - trying to climb out -awaiting the trip home at lunch. This pic is what they look like - they are about 24 hours old- geez they're cute!


Anvilcloud said...

That's just ducky. :)

Loner said...

Yep AC - fourteen babies worth. Remarkable how babies can just soothe what ails ya!