Friday, July 08, 2005

Happy Birthday, Baby

Today my middle son is fourteen - I cannot possibly be old enough for kids this age.

Over the past six months, I have seen him start to transform form a child into a man. His shoulders are broader, his voice is deeper, his legs are longer, the moptop is still attractive - darn it.

funny how when they are little you want them to grow up just a bit - but now, I want it to slow down. I remember that he was my rationale for never male-bashing - I certainly can't say mean things about men if I am busy trying to raise one, now can I.

And there are moments where I see the man he will become - hopefully with the current trend of profanity removed. He works hard, he helps out, he worries about others - and he has faults just like the rest of us, but he has the makings of a man a mother can brag about.

So here's to you moptop - my favorite moptop on the planet. Thanks for bringing fourteen years of joy to my heart.


Lora said...

Tell him his "other mother" says Happy Birthday! I can't believe our baby is 14 already! I can't believe we've been friends or almost 15 years now too.

He is precious!

Love ya,


hedlund said...

Tell ear wax boy Happy Birthday from his favorite Flatlander!

SJ said...

Happy Birthday to him.

Does he really swear in front of you? To this day, I cannot bring myself to swear in front of my folks!

Loner said...

Lora - I can't believe it either - but I am so gald we have been friends that long - love ya - girl!

I passed on the greeting - Sub - he thought the earwax story was funny.

Ian - he doesn't swear in front of me - but he has not figured out that people talk, and word has gotten back to me - so we are working on it. - and I can't swear in front of my folks either!