Thursday, July 14, 2005

down memory lane

I did something last year that now I can admit to - especially since it was so out of character.

I called up Justin's best friend -after looking up their number online
Mrs: Hello, this is the ___ residence
Me: Hi, this is Stace, I'm a friend of Justins
Mrs: Oh, yes! We've heard all about you
Me: Well I know this sounds a little wierd, but is Justin still coming over for dinner on Friday?
Mrs. Yes, as far as I know
Me: well, not to sound like a stalker, but I have vacation time to use and I'd like to come down and surprise him - maybe join you all for dinner
Mrs: That is a great idea - and she helped plan the surprise.

She proceeded to give me the address and I planned my getaway.
Friday morning came, and I sent him a note saying I just needed a bit of time to rest and would be unavailable for awhile - then I took off on my adventure.
I was due there at 7 - but I didn't know about the traffic - man what a mess. I got there late, after having to tell a white lie to Justin when he asked where I was - I had to say just driving around instead of Chattanooga.

When I got there I sent him a text message to open the front door - he called me on the cell - I said I'm here - open the door. That was a great moment - and luckily he took it as a compliment.

So as I was thinking about it this morning - thanks to Chris and Mel for accomodating me and for a dozen other things over the past year. This is a picture from that night - the munchkin is theirs - and the beer was empty already when he took the bottle!

1 comment:

Hez said...

Wow, that is awesome. Doesn't it feel great to remember those wonderful times.