Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Today is my Daughter's 18th birthday!

As of today, she has survived 18 years with me, an unbelieveble number of moves from one better job to another, couple of divorces, multitude of animals - and now as she approaches her graduation in December, we get ready to begin her own adventure.

Things I love about this girl:
1. She loves to color her hair- and sometimes mine
2. She has a healthy sense of humor and can laugh at herself
3. She isn't prideful or boastful
4. She genuinely cares about people
5. She has a big heart
6. She doesn't know she's beautiful
7. She tells me when my outfit has gone terribly wrong
8. She is honest with me - as honest as she can be
9. She gives second chances
10. She is loyal and kind to her friends
11. She is adventurous - beauty school, basketball, track- you name it
12. She brought joy to my life like I never imagined
13. She was a giggley baby
14. She made me into an adult - saving me from myself
15. She makes friends easily
16. She is open-minded, seeing the best in people
17. She is willing to help
18 She has an orange and pink bedroom - because she could
19 She is a dreamer
20 She is intelligent, but doesn't let that get in the way of common sense
21. She keeps herself close to family, close to God
22. She doesn't blame me for the way our lives have gone
23. She is willing to try again to have a mom and dad family with Justin
24. She loves QVC, Home Shopping and The Food Network
25. She just keeps trying, dusts herself off and tries again

Jerra is everything a mother would want in a child, and for the past eighteen years I have been blessed to be her mother. Cannot express the amount of joy and laughter she has brought to my life. I have been given a gift above anything I ever deserved.
Happy Birthday, Baby girl!


Lora said...

OK, you needed a mascara alert on this one! I read it at work and teared up at my desk! She is all these things and more. I am blessed to know her and love her too. You were definitely blessed when God let Jerra pick you for a Mom, Stace!

Give her a big hug from her "Aunt" Lora.

Love ya both,


Thoughts From Serenity said...

Beautifully said...what a blessing she is. You are a lucky MOM! God is good. (we are blessed grandparents!) Sure do miss that gal!

Summer said...

Awww, Loner, she sounds beautiful. You have been blessed!

Dale said...

Gosh, what a pretty girl! She takes after her mama, I assume.