Friday, July 01, 2005


The top picture is my girl - though the pic doesn't do her justice.
The bottom picture is of the boys, Justin and I in Chinle last November.

I'm going to get my kids tonight!!!!! All other news pales in comparison.

Honeymooning is great - but five weeks is way too long to go without kids!!!!! My house is way too quiet - cannot take the sound of silence any longer!!!
So by tomorrow night I will be able to hug them and and drive them crazy kissing their noggins!

Okay - I feel better - back to work.

1 comment:

Lora said...

I know Jerra doesn't agree but she is just beautiful in an exotic way. She should carry her head high everywhere she goes. My Daddy used to tell me that but I wouldn't listen to him. Now I look back and see how pretty I was and now I'm old and ugly!

Love ya,
