Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I posted a picture last week - thought you shoudl at least be able to get a look at who I am on the outside since so much of who I am on the inside shows through here.

Caused me to wonder....

My kids look a lot like me -everyone says so
I remember my mom being told via the foster care that I resembled my genetic grandmother as a baby
and I wonder if there is a family somewhere in Michigan with 7 or 8 grown kids ...and someone will come across my blog and think how much I resemble their mother or aunt - or great grandmother.

I love my parents, never bothered to look for my birthfamily because I have plenty of family already. But this wondering, coupled with the drama of getting a birth certificate last month, makes me wonder if I have a genetic family out there somewhere that wonders why I haven't tried to find them.

I'm not opposed to it, I just haven't gotten around to it. Seeing as I am nearly 40 now, I should probably move this up on the list - my birthmother would be about 58 or 59 if the information I got from Catholic Charities was right.

Just another thing bouncing about in my brain.

1 comment:

Thoughts From Serenity said...

If ever I can help you with your search, I will be happy to do it. Would be interesting for you and certainly okay by me! Good luck if you start searching. Love ya,