Monday, June 27, 2005

Sweden - land of firsts

The trip to Sweden was phenomenal. This is my list of first:
1. Passport
2. Seeing Amsterdam
3. Flying over Greenland, England and Scotland
4. Seeing Europe - and Sweden
5. Riding in a Mercedes Benz full-sized van ( didn't even know there was such a thing)
6. Seeing a Smart car
7. Having real Swedish meatballs
8. Trying ligonberries
9. Trying Swedish Punsch (ew)
10. Trying herring
11. Trying salmon and gravelax
12. Trying real Swedish icecream - possibly the best stuff on the planet
13. Seeing gas prices at almost $6.00 per gallon
14. Flying out of Newark airport - and over the Atlantic Ocean
15. Sailing
16. Swimming in the Baltic Sea
17. Seeing Viking ruins - though my husband has some Viking blood - he doesn't count
18. Eating figs
19. Celebrating MidSommer
20. Taking the MARTA bus/railway
21. Seeing a Moose in the wild
21. First time I ever took a honeymoon with the family!
22. Trying hard cider - it packed a punch with green apple flavoring.
23. Had my flight changed to a whole other COUNTRY
24. Paying $5 per pound for chicken
25. Kayaking
26. Trying lamb - had mutton before - but the lamb was really good.
27. Made love to a younger man in Europe - wow, I could just die happy.

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