Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Notes to self

1. You can, infact, have too many eggs. Now that 8 prolific ducks are laying eggs, I realize I am a bit short in the foresight department, and should have had a buyer set up already.

2. If you are going to be stressed out, be away from germy people - and don't work in a hospital - because you will catch some kind of creeping crud that makes coughing your lungs out a real possibility

3. Stay away from the scale when you are stressed, that is not the time to discover you have that PMS-5 pounds back. I'm serious about this one.

4. Buy more popsicles

5. Get rid of your teflon pans - you knew they had to have some chemicals that would cause cancer or make you grow a third arm ( note the news story yesterday) keep the cast iron.

6. Wash puppy Sheila because her low dragging belly brough poison ivy to at least two members of the family.


Lisa said...

wow, based on your list I'd say you've had a heck of a week already! I hadn't heard about the teflon pans. I better go check that out!

SJ said...

8 prolific ducks would be a nice change from the 5 gold rings...

Dee said...

I love my cast iron skillets. I just got a new one the other day. They can have the teflon ones.

Ariel said...

I've never bought teflon pans...Give me 18/10 stainless steel profesional cookware anyday.
You write notes to yourself just like I do!

nunya said...

hey, you can send some of your extra eggs to our house!