Tuesday, February 21, 2006

It's about flipping time

Well, hello! I didn't mean to ignore you all for this long. Actually, I had a post yesterday, but I took it down. Sometimes things need to be vented - and then deleted.

This is the picture I tried to use to test out Ian's face look alike, The computer sayd I look like Colin Ferrell - whatever - I don't see the resemblance at all - I don't have a five o'clock shadow.

Anyway - I have had two fantabulous weeekend in a row - and well, work has been making me actually work - the nerve of those folks - so I haven't finished either post about my weekends.

So First - two weekends ago my mom called me from about 6 hours away - dad is feeling good - so they swung by to visit. It was great. In true loner forms - we went to a local place that is a lot like chuch E Cheese for grown ups. We played shooting games and Skee Ball until we were all exhausted. It was a great visit. I miss not being able to get together with themn whenever I want to - and this was a real treat. They only spent the night - then headed back home, missing all that snow by just a few hours.

Then last weekend we went to look at a college in North Georgia. It was COLD and RAINING - and I could have lived without all the walking in the rain - but the college itself was really promising. It is weird being Catholic in the bible belt. I kept lookign around thinking this was really similar to Cathedral where I went to high school .

Anyway - the highlight ( no Bear, it was not the farm stores) was getting ot meet the Wash Lady! Okay, for any of you who also read her blog, she is WAY cuter in person. Made me wish we lived a bit closer. I loved her house - also much nicer in person - and to top it all off, she didn't even flinch when I arrived with husband and three kids in tow to come visit - even though she was hosting a dinner party later in the day - pretty impressive gal - but if you read her, you already know that. Nothing like meeting someone you already like in this forum - only to find you like them even better in "real life".

One item of note - every year for as long as I can remember, TSC has carried baby chicks and ducklings in the spring. This year, they are not carrying them - due to bird flu. My specialty before I came in to diabetes was epidemiology - having a degree in Public Health. It astounds me that we are willing to slaughter thousands of birds because they might carry an illness that has killed less than 20 people worldwide. If we did that to kill deer who carried Lyme disease, or Racoons and bats that carried rabies - it would be inhumane treatment. I am not sure where all this is headed, but I think it is unfortunate that people who make decisions sdon't get their facts straight before they run off and take action. ( Okay, that is as political as I get)


Madcap said...

Oh, don't get me started on that bloody bird flu! It's just a political manufacture, and it DRIVES ME CRAZY! What - is it better to kill off all the fowl and starve to death than take a chance at catching something that kills fewer people than lightening strikes? Aaargh!!! See, you got me started, and now I just can't shut up!

Loner said...

and that is what I adore about you, mum!

Bear said...

don't lie...it was the farm stores..you mentioned them twice...ha

SJ said...

Colin Farrel? What the...? Hmm, you did mention farm stores twice. Maybe that was just because it was a farmily trip though :)

Thoughts From Serenity said...

Love your picture! Colin Farrel??? whoa.
Glad to hear you actually have parents!!! haha. That LOVE you no less!!! About time they came to see you, don't you think?
Unbelievable they would kill so many birds...makes me sad...I can't watch it when the news comes on.
Glad the trip to college was fun. Will be interesting to see where the princess actually ends up! Sure do love that kid.
Love you too! Fun to take time to actually READ your blog! Did you get my cartoon..."please TELL me how your day was, don't make me read your blog" ?? lol

J said...

Loner- you're so beautiful in this pic. When I saw it, it really made me smile. :)

Dora said...

Meeting you was wonderful too - ALL your family.
My only wish was that you could have stayed longer. It's wonderful to have stimulating conversation with people who can carry it. My hubby was dissapointed that he had to do other stuff but he was happy to make it possible for me to visit with Loner and her lovely family. J was sad that you all left and wants to know when you are coming back. (And I really did dress my daughter about an hour after you all left.)
And Betty - she really IS a beautiful woman (nside and out)...just ask her hubby. I noticed the way that he looked at her - what a compliment to that kind of love.