Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Thank You Note

In about a week, I will celebrate Valentine's Day - really celebrate it. Last year I got engaged the day before Valentines, then promptly tripped on the sidewalk right outside the Cheesecake Factory, skinning my knee.

But I was thinking this morning, about Annie Get Your Gun. I was in that play in high school and played Annie, leather fringe jacket, shotgun, the whole nine yards. In my mind zillion times, I have replayed the interchange that happens between Annie and Frank ( played by Mickey McDaniel at my high school) early in the play. Frank: Annie, have you ever been in love? Annie replies: you mean did I ever love someone who loved me back? Well, no then, I've never been in love.

I have always found it ironic, that the lines from a play in high school still fit my life years later. Finally this morning, when I played that through my head, I could say that it doesn't apply anymore.

To my husband, thank you.

You have allowed me to love you without feeling afraid
That is the most remarkable thing
Each day I wake up, and you are there, warm and happy to see me

The kids push every button you have, testing your resolve
Even pushing some you didn't know about
and you don't blame me, but try to help me instead

I get on your nerves, I have bad days
But you stay with me, never threatening to leave
You keep your promise, and don't regret making it.

So for enabling a woman who has had her heart broken by men who promised forever, and then spat venom and regret for years afterward, to love someone who loved her back, I just wanted to say thank you.


Sarah said...

Sniffle, sniffle
I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww. Ain't that sweet!

SJ said...

So glad you have finally found happiness :)

Funny, those words fit my life too. It would be nice to get some simple expression of caring as well - even something simple like a Valentine's Card. Oh well.

Indulge yourself in your relationship, Stace - let yourself finally be happy! :)

Ariel said...

I must echo Sarah. Thats so so so wonderful!

Summer said...

Stace, this is beautiful. Sometimes I wish for the moment when I can write something like this.