Monday, January 30, 2006

Few and far between

Sorry that my notes have been so few and far between. I think I caught the bug my girl Betty had last week and I have been battling a nasty fever and deep cough since Friday night.
Saturday, I thought I'd go outside and "blow the stink off" as my mom would say - so I went out with the ax and cleared a bit more of the area that will be my garden by the end of February. It was good to work up a sweat and my breathing seemed better - so of course I pushed it too far and by 1 I was ready for a nap.

After crashing for a little bit, we went to my first Arena football game. Now, knowing that I cannot get enough of a good football game, there is no doubt I enjoyed it. It was kind of like a cross between hockey and football - complete with DJ and loud music. Oddly enough, the only thing missing was the long pass. Since the field is only 50 yards long, there were none of those beautiful 40 yard passes. Overall, a worthwhile venture and good way to have football until nearly May!
Something that made me think, though. The cheerleaders were beautiful - I mean really beautiful, not just the overly made-up kind of pretty. But they had uniforms that cut right below the belly button - making even these muscular, thin girls look like they were carrying a poochy belly. Whose idea was this - and why would the girls who of obviously work carefully on their appearance tolerate it? Now I know better than to wear such a thing myself, being the veteran of three births, but these are young girls and still should have protested.

Okay - enough ranting - I'm off to see some patients! Hope you are having a great day.


Ariel said...

I'm sorry you are sick, but I'm so glad you got a night out!
It always amazes me what unattactive clothing pretty women will put on. There are some styles that NO woman should wear, whether she's had none,1, 3, or even 6 children.

SJ said...

MAybe they were young and weren't allowed to be sexy?