Wednesday, February 08, 2006

simple pleasures

Betty tagged me, so here goes: The Instructions: Name five of life's simple pleasures that you like, then tag five people to do the same. Try to be original and creative.

1. Laughter at the dinner table. My house now is like my house growing up - there is most always laughter. I love that we are able to laugh together and that the conversation turns in all sorts of weird directions.

2. Finding something growing in the yard that I wanted to plant anyway. Azaleas, ferns, angel trumpets, shamrocks, and grape vines last year - and I haven't even fully perused the woods yet.

3. Finishing a project, the fan, the goat pen, the heat duct, whatever, just deciding to fix something and then begin able to fix it and make the house more liveable. This used to be something I couldn't do - but as a result of being the only adult in the house for so long, I had to learn.

4. The moment when the light turns on - especially when I am explaining something to the kids or to one of my patients and all of a sudden they get what I am talking about.

5. In true extrovert fashion - talking. It is one of my favorite things to do - as evidenced by a couple of ugly cell phone bills. My folks and most of my girlfriends live out of state, now, so there is a lot of catching up by phone.

Now I am supposed to tag five people - if you wanna use the template, you know I'll come by to read it!

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