Friday, February 24, 2006

north country

Gonna be a busy day today, and I don't have much time to post. We watched North Country with Charlize Theron last night and I wanted to encourage you to see it, if you haven't seen it already. This film took place in 1989 - not so long ago, up in Michigan according to their website. It was well written , and well acted. I even enjoyed Woody Harrelson for a change. There is some foul language - and it is a movie about sexual harrassment, thus the R rating, so be forewarned. But it was really enjoyable and the story line just reeled me in - making me stay up way later than I had planned.

Hope your Friday is grand!


Ariel said...

I hope your Friday is just lovely too!

Anvilcloud said...

We watched North Country with Charlize Theron last night ...

I'm glad that she was able to drop by and spend some quality time with you. :)

SJ said...

Hahaha I love saying things like that to my friends -

"We saw Independence Day last night with Will Smith"

"Really? Did he buy you pop corn?"
