Monday, February 06, 2006

How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk

Well, my advice is trust your gut instinct and don't settle just because everyone around says a bird in hand is better than two in the bush. Not settling is working out pretty dog gone well, actually.

I ran across this article this morning and had to share it. Because of the large number of divorces that have occured in military personnel during hte war, a minister has developed a series of programs for military people to help them discern if marraige is a good idea.

I think this is such a great idea. It takes just hours to get married but weeks to get divorced. I personally think it should be time-consuming on both ends of the spectrum, but that is a couple of ugly divorces talking.


J said...

That's pretty darn interesting!

Ariel said...

I read that article too, and thought, what a great idea! I'm working on D#2 and its going to cost way more for the D. than the $30 it took to get married.
Of course, there are no garauntees. I'd have thought when we got married we were going all the way.