Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Wedding Part Two: The reception

After the service we were able to visit with family and friends. There was a lot of conversation and laughter about how odd our vows were - and how apparently the preacher wanted to make sure we meant it since we said them twice. We laughed about the rain and thunder- took about a zillion family pictures and then when there was a break in the action, we went to change.

Let me just say, this was the best plan of the whole day. We were both excited and tired and stressed from the drama of people who are WAY more high-strung than either of us are. We pre-arranged with my sister-in-law to clear the basement ( you can hear everything upstairs) so that we could "change". We went into what was now our bedroom, threw off our wedding attire, consummated our marriage, and grabbed a shower. Sorry, no more intimate details except to say that this was unbelievably valuable in terms of stress release - as well as giving us an hour to remember why we went through all the drama of the last three weeks and what all this fuss was about. And we're married, so we're allowed.

At some point during our absence, the rain stopped, the musicians showed up, and snacks were served. We emerged feeling much better about live in general and had about 20 minutes to circulate among our friends before the rest of the group started showing up.

My girlfriends from work were first - God Bless them. They had to listen to me giggle and gush all last week, but there they were promptly at 12:30, saying congrats. Then other folks started to file in, none of the neighbors from here, but a couple from Justin's neighborhood. Some people brought gifts, others just brought love - and that was great too. The house saw a lot of laughter and camaraderie - I would consider it properly house-warmed.

We ordered cake from the local bakery, it was SO INCREDIBLY GOOD with about half an inch of real butter frosting and yellow pudding cake that nearly drips. Rather than a traditional wedding cake we opted for a sheet cake with Pepe' le Pew and Penelope ( you know the Warner Brother's skunk and cat duo) - lying on their tummies gazing into each other's eyes. Perfect for us.

We had our friend, Duncan, play in the basement since outside was still too wet. Nothing better than a Scotsman and his wife in your basement singing drinking songs - with kids and adults bouncing and laughing with the lyrics, guitar strumming, drum pounding. It was great - worth every penny. He dedicated the Wild Rover to Justin "...And it's no nay never, .... No nay never no more .... And he'll play the Wild Rover, no never no more...". What a surreal experience to have musicians in the basement right by the Playstation - but it was great!

At 3:30, when we had agreed the party was to end, we packed our bags, gathered the family and
took off for the honeymoon.

I am still debating about blogging about that- the honeymoon - some things are precious and private. Suffice it to say that married life, though leaving me a little tired, has agreed with me.


Loner said...

Okay - I got a lot of e-mail about th consumation part - I just thought it made such a difference that I wanted to share - sorry it was TMI!

Dale said...

I'm just sitting here, staring at your words "TMI" etc., and smiling like a Cheshire cat. I'm so happy right now, for you and "Jason."