Thursday, May 19, 2005

Hitting Bottom - Help Needed

When you feel like you are actively trying to listen to God when you pray, and then the answer you think you heard, doesn't seem to be turning out - what is a person to do?

I have never been one to just wait for God to do everything, neither has my friend. She and I spent years as single moms - no small task and not a job for the faint of heart.

Now, she is struggling with the same feelings I had last year: I prayed about something, I have faithfully followed the answer I thought I heard and now there is so much adversity I can not believe that I heard correctly.

We forget that as believers that we are tempted, we are pushed and on occasion, we are asked to put our faith in action to match our words (yep, it is a reason to be careful what we say!) God thinks we can handle more than we think we can - like only He can read that little tag that says 300 pound weight limit plastered on the back of our heads.

Let me give you my example - I married an abuser - but I didn't do it recklessly. I prayed about it, I talked to God and asked Him to remove that relationship if it was not His Will. I don't think God is cruel, but I think He knew it was a chance for me to toughen my metal and for the Ogre, possible salvation if he chose the high road. Even though things went badly - really badly, God came through for me. We prayed for guidance (me, my folks, my friend), clear guidance - and within 3 days I had a phone call from the Women's Shelter and from my lawyer to seek safety. That is not coincidence, that is an answer.

She prayed and God revealed a plan to her - but there have been some road blocks - the path is draining her resources and now putting a strain on her otherwise happy marriage. At what point do you give it back to God - well probably about now. That is what she advised me when I got to the point last summer that I felt the weight was going to crush me. We give it back and we ask our friends to lift us up in prayer - and ask God specifically to work a miracle and keep His promise while keeping her in His will. So today if you get a minute, please say a prayer for Mrs. Flake - she is my friend, and she could use some help carrying with the load.