Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Thrill a Minute

Yesterday was another banner-blockbuster - hard to top - day.

First thing, I woke up next to my new husband who isn't frightened off by morning breath...remarkable.

Then, I got to work and discovered that now Diet Coke comes in a Splenda form - it tastes a lot like regular Coke - and is my new favorite - even over Diet Dr. Pepper.

I had my six month review and it went well, I love my job anyway - but the big bonus, I got a "market"raise for employee retention - about $3.00 an hour. Sweet!

Lastly, at lunchtime, I recieved a call from my mom. The latest CAT scan adn PET scan results show that my Dad's cancer is going into remission. This means he may be able to shorten the schedule of chemo, the doc already dropped the Allopurinol which protects the kidneys. Most importantly, it shows what we already knew -good medicine includes pharmaceuticals, prayer, and good attitude.

See, it'll be tough to beat that one!


Anvilcloud said...

That's great news about your Dad.

Is the Splenda version of DC replacing the Aspartame version, or is it just another choice? It will take a while for it to get here.

Ginger said...

I LOVE good news!