Friday, May 27, 2005

The First Thirty Days

Well, this morning I went to pick up a marraige license copy so that I can change my ID and my social security card. It is official, and I really like being the Mrs. My husband is wonderful - and still in love with me after thirty days - and that is quite the bonus!
So far:
1. Still wants to snuggle with me after the kids are in bed
2. Went to see Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith - ooooh good movie
3. Survived the totalling of my car without incident
4. Had a Scotsman and his wife sing in our basement
5. Survived the passing of his aunt, and two ducklings
6. Had one early morning incident chasing the dogs
7. Went to a Braves game with the kids
8. Had dinner with the in-laws which went well
9. Brought me flowers for no particular reason
10. Bought me a Mother's Day gift that made me blush
11. Got to see Stone Mountain Park
12. Went on a great date to Hartwell to get ducklings followed by Greek food mmmmm.
13. Survived minor surgery
14. Introduced chore schedule and actually followed it
15. Survived little bit of teenage drama (the kids are easy teenagers)
16. Watched all of the Star Wars movies we have on tape
17. Planned and are making the 1200 mile trip to drop off the kids for summer break
18. Covered my banking error by handing me $200 without any questions
19. Survived gender-confused though endearing house guest for thirty days
20. Took the kids to Mass the weekend that I was so sick
21. Endured me and my hacking cough and sinus infection - not attractive at all
22. Took the kids and I to Golden Corral for Mother's Day
23. Took the boys to football sign up - and paid for registration and helmets
24. Have been too tired for sex (threw this one in for Envoy-ette!)


taza said...

you can't be serious that this all happened in the first month of your marriage. Hell, clone him!


Envoy-ette said...

LOL! It's time to pull out the yellow shirt and black socks!

Badpatty said...

Honey, she's right: it's time to find the rugby jersey!

Loner said...

Girl, I laughed out loud - I loved the bee story - though seriously, I might possibly laugh too hard to enjoy the yellow shirt...perhaps we will have to devise our own version. HMMMMM we are childless for five weeks...