Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Out of the Loop edited

I had to remove yesterday's post because the focus was in the wrong place. I was angry that people in my family seem to be allowed an opinion - seem to think they are smarter or better able to handle things and seem to get away with everything. I however, get held to task for pretty much every mistake I ever make. I am tired of being the off-kilter one.

I was having my own personal pity party, shared with fellow bloggers.

I did not mean to imply that my friend is a schmuck - which is apparently how it came off. I felt like my mom was monopolizing her friendship - not because of her, because of my mom. After talking to my friend, I realized that I am having some issues with my mom that I need to work on.

Anyway - this is a public apology- I didn't mean to bash her - I just needed to vent my frustration about the family boundaries adn she unfortunately got tangled in the middle of it.

Thank you for the kind words - I feel better now and hope to post soemthing more uplifting than yesterday's whining!

1 comment:

Dale said...

That's OK, dear. We still love you.