Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Rumors of War

I read Michael Yon's blog again today - and he has done an excellent job of re-defining the words we use to describe terrorists. The blog is bit lengthy, but exceptionally well done and leads me to wonder why more people in the media are not careful about the words they choose to describe things. Semantics are more important than we think. There are very few politics in this blog - but there is a clear picture of what it is like t be in the miltary in Iraq today. If you are interested here is the link:


Dale said...

Yes, I've visited his blog a few times. It was you who first sent me there. He writes well, doesn't he? Too bad he's a soldier and not a jounalist. Or is it?

Loner said...

Dale - he is a freelance author - the site has a couple of his books listed I think. Love reading his stuff!