Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Much as I would like to still be the girl that could stay up all night long - last night I discovered that I need to eat dinner and be in bed way before midnight.

We went to see Tammy at a Moroccan restaurant last night. She had her public belly dancing debut - and she was great. Some day maybe I will be able to get back to classes - but that is another story.

There were several amateur groups who danced, women of all colors and shapes and ages, and they are all beautiful. Lots of shimmery costumes and coin wraps. I did see a pair of harem pants that I am going to duplicate so that if I ever do get backto class, I can wear them.
The main dancer, who gets paid to do this, was astounding - moving with such grace - even when doing the more complicated dances with fire and a sword. Very impressive. Tammy knew her and she spent considerable time shaking what the good Lord gave her just above Tammy's husband - but it was all in good fun. Seriously, if I had a nice flat belly again, I would SO wear that little outfit.

We waited until Tammy's group was done dancing - which meant we didn't order until after 9, and between being seated at 7 and dinnertime, we enjoyed a couple of drinks. tempting to have a third, but the idea of teaching class this morning hung over was distateful enough that it won out over the desire for another drink. I has something called a Marakesh - which had strawberry liquor and Grand Mariner. Justin found a drink with sambuca - and it tasted like a licorice jelly bean - very dangerous.

Moroccan food is just wonderful - lots of sweet cinnamon dishes, several well spiced savory salads and dinner was cornish hen with almonds and honey and carmelized onions - and some spices I couldn't identify. Fresh Baklava finished the meal - nothing like the stuff I have been getting at the store - with phyllo and walnuts so fresh they were still crunchy. The remainder is on tap for lunch today.

By the time we finished dinner with our morrocan mint tea and fruit compote, it was nearly midnight. It was a long drive home - note to self: don't get in deep discussions on the way home after eating late and consuming two drinks.

This morning - I NEED A NAP really badly - but instead I am getting ready to teach class. Hope I can crank it up!


nunya said...

Oh man...I didn't want to get up this morning and I didn't drink ANY alcohol!

nunya said...

Oh yeah....there's a picture on my blog!

Badpatty said...

and I'm sorry that I was a schmuck. I just read your e-mail. I'll call you in a little bit. I'm off to pick up Earwax Boy!

SJ said...

I have that need for a nap thing too. Guess we're getting old haha :)