Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I had quite the night - after teaching insulin pump patients, we usually talk to them a couple of times throughout the night - checking in at midnight and 3am. So I stayed up until midnight - and woke again at 3:30 and for some unknown reason again at 5:30. Dang it.

Needless to say, I was not the most alert girl this morning - and I left my wallet on the couch.

Kind of hard to buy lunch when you leave your wallet on the couch!

So I called home and got a sleepy Bear - I love, by the way, that at 18 she still says I love you when she hangs up the phone. I am one lucky girl.

Then, my husband calls, God bless him. "Do you want me to bring you Bubba's" It takes my wee brain only a second to say a resounding yes. Thank you Lord, for Your gift of Chicken biscuits and Diet Coke.

By 8:30 I have had my biscuit( actually I ate teh chicken, skipped the biscuit - all that white flour and carbs), checked in on all my pump patients both of whom did beautifully, and decided that I will probably take Friday morning off since I don't have any patients - just to putter around the house a bit.

As a side note, we rented Just Friends, a movie I loved in the theater. I will say that it is not my normal fare - there is a language issue - so unfortunately I can't let Jake watch it. But the movie is based on the collective lives of three guys, all of whom were in love with a girl who wanted them to just be friends. If you have ever been in the friend zone - you will appreciate the humor. Get the DVD version and watch the special features - I laughed so hard that I was crying. What a funny show - since the story is so easy to identify with.

1 comment:

Madcap said...

That picture is hilarious!