Friday, March 03, 2006


Last night I went to Kroger and bought meat and ice cream related stuff. When I got to the checkout - the Ben & jerry's rang up just fine, but my sugar-free popsicles and sugar-free fudge pops ( you know, the healthier versions of dessert I bought myself) sent up a red flag. The cashier said they had a "limited Quantity" alert. What in the world???? Ben & jerrys, works just fine, maam, but you can't have those diet popsicles, there is a limit.

I am still not sure whether this is a compliment - like dont worry about the diet, you are just fine the way you are ---- or the ultimate insult - you are already fat, just chuck down that Ben and Jerrys and be happy.

Turns out the alert was just a recall, they had passed their expiration - which is also weird because they are FROZEN POPSICLES. Whatever, I had a wee bit of the Dublin mudslide after dinner and apparently that will have to suffice.


Alcuin Bramerton said...

In my opinion, your spelling of the word "dessert" is correct.

Cala Lily said...

Fudgesickles have an expiration date? Who knew?

Oh God. I guess I best go eat all of mine right now.