Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I miss my friend

I have a friend of nearly 12 years who doesn't call me back anymore.

I am not sure exactly what happened, or why she doesn't call me, but a post I read yesterday about a friend who offered to help her friend who was in an abusive relationship - and then was cut off - reminded me about this situation.

She is a great person, who often times doesn'e see her worth. She got married several years ago to a man that I like, but their relationship has not been healthy for a long time and I think she settled.

The last time I talked to her was back in September. She had needed $500, and I sent it to her as she assured me it was a loan. You should never loan money to a friend, always give it with the expectation that it is gone. This is not the first time I have given her money, and frankly, I don't even know how much money is involved anymore. But that isn't really the point.

I think that she is upset because I asked her to call Dan-the-Ogre's house to make sure that he was in Indiana. We had a couple of goats who were shot, and I was afraid that he had found us. There was no way I was going to risk being found out, if he hadn't already found us, so I asked her to call from Indianapolis. She never did - and I left her a message and told her that it really hurt me.

So whether it is the debt - or the fact that I asked her to do something uncomfortable - or something I still don't understand - she won't return my calls.

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