Thursday, March 23, 2006

Days go by

Who knew that yesterday would be such an earthshaker.

First, I got a call from my mom. Seems the oncologist informed them yesterday that the average lifespan for someone who has done the Rituxin and Zevulin is only about two years.

Which means my dad may only have two years left. Two years. It isn't enough time.

I am trying not to think about it - but a part of me just keeps repeating it over and over in my head and there is nothing I dislike more than a problem that I can't fix.

More about that later - though it definitely cements the need to spend more time seeing my folks.

In other news, our friend Amber called yesterday, she has a Nigerian Dwarf goat who had twins at 2pm, and no milk.

So at 6pm yesterday, in the Kroger parking lot, we became the proud parents of Luke and Leia. They are 2 and 1.5 pounds respectively and we fed them every two hours. Correction, Justin fed them every two hours like clockwork all night long. Hopefully today he can catch a nap - you know, sleep when the baby sleeps.

Pictures to be posted after work - or if he can't sleep - but nothing better than holding a new baby in your arms - nothing short of miraculous.

Update: He couldn't sleep so here are a couple of shots of Luke and Leia.

1 comment:

Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

too cool, girl! Love the names and bet they are little cuties.