Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hombre del Alma

When a woman is starved for what nourishes her soul, she will feed on anything that provides a fullness in her belly. I learned that from Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of Women who Run with the Wolves. When we starve, we go to excesses.

I have been doing a lot of introspection lately, and it isn't always good to do that.

I gained 10 pounds over the last few months - and yes, stress does increase your cortisol - and your addiction to chocolate for the seratonin boost alone. I am bone tired.

I have been thinking a lot about college, since my own daughter is headed there. Thinking about people I encountered - people I loved - and how my life was changed there. It was a difficult time for me - though there were some good times, there were a lot of things I am not proud of.

I keep dreaming about things that happened nearly 20 years ago - and I wonder why I have the audacity to keep punishing myself for things I did FOREVER ago. It is just exasperating.


Thoughts From Serenity said...

Forget all the negative things...they are done and over with..not worth thinking about and HE has already forgotten them too!
Just look at all the good stuff....the education and life experiences (even some bad ones)that have helped you to make yourself the wonderful person you are TODAY!! Look at all the flowers....the weeds have been pulled!! I love you.

taza said...

check out any books written by kathleen desmaisons, she has written some great books about weight and brain chemicals, serotonin in particular. library should have a few.

Anvilcloud said...

I've gained too, for no external reason as far as I can tell. Once I start eating inappropraitely, I find it hard to stop. Better to stay on the straight and narrow. Like an alcoholic, I guess.