Monday, March 27, 2006

What are we doing here?

This weekend was full of that question.

I went to an arena football game, a day early, and got caught up in Sweet Sixteen traffic downtown. Yep - that question arises.

Then I struggled with losing two more baby goats - what are we doing wrong - what am I missing.

We rushed back from the actual game to get to Mass, and there are times when I feel like I am dragging the other members of the family - but it is the right thing.

And it came to me - what we are doing here, that is. Love. That is our job, it is the first commandment and for good reason Love one another as I have loved you. I don't think that was an accident.

The new pope wrote an Encyclical, which is like a HUGE term paper, about the love of God. Father talked about it last night in his sermon. He also urged us to be the nation we profess to be on the Statue of Liberty - bring me your tired and weary and downtrodden.

We are here to comfort, like the lady in Oregon who sent me an email when I posted to the listserv for goats - offering the consolation that we had done everything right.

Like the chance I had to tell a friend that forgiveness is always out there, and no one has done "too" much. God's love for us is a reckless raging furious illogical love - so why should our love for each other be any less. Who has the right to say someone is no longer worth the trouble - luckily no one said that to me when I was in that dark place, so not me, and not today.

So today - take a minute and tell people how important they are to you - share your love.


SJ said...

Ok, I admit, when I first read this I thought it said "The new Pope wrote an Encyclopedia"...

I thought, "Cool - I wonder what he wrote about Belgium!"

Loner said...

MWHHAA back atcha Steph.

And Ian, should a nice German man decide to write an encyclopedia, I am sure it would be Exact. You crack me up.