Thursday, March 23, 2006

On being a goat herder

Here are a few pictures of Luke and Leia. Luke, who is blonde, and Leia who is dark, are now a whole day old.

NOthing is more charming than watching them nibble at my pant leg, looking for more food - or wiggling that tail furiously while they eat.

And as a bonus to all of it, here is a picture of Josh, who is way too cool to like all the animal that we have at our house - snuggled up with Luke in the hallway last night.


Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

Popping in to say hi......

Goats are sooooooooo cuuuuuute!

(I love goats.)

J said...

Awwwww they are SO CUTE!!! *sniffles*