Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Oh Shit

I went to the school this morning. Much to my surprise, the Vice Principal was just as outraged as I was.

I offered to temper justice with mercy, asking that the kids be put before the disciplinary board and suspended. Then I offered to talk to their parents and arrange for the kids to do something in reparation.

We left on amicable terms with the agreement to call when things were settled.

I recieved a call an hour later. The Security/Police officer for their school system took control and charged both boys with simple assault. They were arrested in front of the school and taken to the juvenile detention center.

And the truth is - my heart just breaks. What an incredibly sad situation that three lives are changed by such a stupid action. They planned it - they did it on purposeAnd their poor moms - who are actually good people - I know them, I sat with one of the mothers all through football season - and I hate that this has happened to her.

But I firmly believe that God can take what is evil and use it for good. Maybe this is the wakeup call these kids needed - maybe it will save thier kids or their wives from something bad.

For today, though, I ask you to say a little prayer for Enrique and Lavonne - two boys who made a poor choice - and another for my son Josh, who will have to testify on Friday morning at Juvenile Court.


Sarah said...

Please take comfort in the fact that God allows things to happen for a reason. While we don't always see why right now, there is a purpose, and like you said it may save them or their future families. This situation may shake them to the core and change their young hearts. I will be praying for all of you, and the other families.

hedlund said...

i'm sorry stace. this just sucks.

SJ said...

Again you amaze me with your forgivness. I would never have acted that way.

Anonymous said...

You don't know how many kids those boys beat up and they didn't get into any trouble. Do the crime, do the time. It's really simple. You done good, Mom.

Anonymous said...

For every action their is a consequence. Without a significant wake-up call the boys could be going down a path far worse. My brother was with a boy who stole tub socks. Mike was charge along with this kid and had to go to court and pay his debt to society in the form of community work. Had they gotten away with it who knows where my brother would have gone. Needless to say the stay in the jail for a few hours scared the crap out of him. As we both know my brother grew up to be a productive and honest citizen. Josh will also grow from this and learn what it means to stand up and do the right thing even when it's not comfortable.

Anvilcloud said...

I applaud your ability to empathize with the other side and with the perpetrators themselves. Too often, justice is seen as a form of vindictiveness, and it is too little tempered with mercy. Hopefully, this relatively minor wake up call in the the grand scheme of things will be beneficial to these boys and to society. And I'm impressed that this was dealt with properly and not swept under the rug as it would have been not all that long ago.

taza said...

ouch....that really smarts, on a number of levels. did you leave josh's hair as is, or did you even it out?
i have no clue how i'd have reacted. probably not nearly as civilly as you did.

Chris said...

Good on yer, Loner. It's amazing how people like that get away with it because no one does anything about it. Melissa echoes your previous fury with "You would have to call the cops on ME to keep murder from happening." Momma-bear syndrome.

Dale said...

In my prayers, Stace. {{{hugs}}}

Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

If they had something to cut hair with they had something to wound and threaten with. Totally unacceptable behavior and it needed to be addressed.

They are lucky it's assult and doesn't have "with a deadly weapon" tacked on the end.

And I did four hours for shoplifting in my youth, never been back.