Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Never, never, never mess with the cubs

Today on the way home from school, some boys from the football team held down my son and cut his hair, Not by choice, by force. They have been harassing him saying that if he wasn't going to play football next year, that he should not waste the coach's time - that he shoudl quit goign to lift weights( somethign I demanded he do)

He was afraid of them - and even when he called out, the noise on the bus muffled it. Eventually the bus driver found out what was happening and stopped the bus. But not before several chunks of his hair were thrown out the window.

They think they got away with it because no one would tell on them - bullys are like that. I remember that the Ogre would bully me - and each time I called the police, they took his side, so I stopped calling it in.

When I took Josh to the Emergency Room after Dan the Ogre hit him with a garden hose and left marks, the police filed a report - but never any charges. It was frustrating - it was wrong and the police allowed it. Dan was never arrested - never charged - and he got away with it. This whole thing brings up a rash of feelings and fury. Once again someone has hurt him and thinks they can get away with it.

They think they can hurt my son and walk away because they are tough guys

Pardon my language here - but do not fuck with my children after all they have been through and think that I will just let that sit because you are some kind of grade-school super star.

Not only am I taking off work to go visit his principal and demand some suspensions

I will also be visiting their mothers - and unfortunately for those boys, I know who they are.

The Lord demands that vengence be his - but I don't think it is out of line to expect good behavior, reparation and an apology.


Anvilcloud said...

Do not mess with this woman!

Good for you. Let us know how it goes.

J said...

Give 'em hell Loner.

That's bs those boys didn't get in trouble. Kids in school get in trouble for less now! I hope you get results.


Sarah said...

Go get em' honey.... There is no way I would let anyone... I mean anyone mess with my boys.. and get away with it. You will be in my prayers.... Let us know..

Badpatty said...

"Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord." While that is true, Jesus also said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and render unto God what is God's." There's a reason that God programmed us to feel rage when one of our kids is threatened. It's OUR job to handle this stuff. God will handle the moral issues (and so will the boys' moms). It's up to us to protect and defend our kids until such time as they MEET God.

Anonymous said...

Go get 'em, girl. Slap some Hoosier on them.

Cala Lily said...
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Cala Lily said...

Oh Loner! Is Dan an ex-husband?

God rot him! And god rot those boys for cutting your son's hair!

There are just no words for how much I hate a bully.