Friday, April 14, 2006

Stations of the Cross

Growing up, on Fridays in Catholic school, we went to the Stations. For those of you who are not Catholic, this a prayer service, where we stop at a picture of each section of the Passion and reflect on what happened - on how Christ handled it - and how it applies to us. I was always struck by the falling. Jesus falls teh first time, Jesus falls the second time, Jesus falls the thrid time and Simon is asked to help carry the cross. It is difficult to imagine how difficult this would have been.

What I can't help thinking is how difficult it must have been for the angels, who had been assigned to watch over Jesus, seeing him in pain and not being able to do anything about it.

Max Lucado has a book, "Six Hours One Friday" which talks about the Passion from the perspective of different characters in the story. I have always found it moving.

As my Easter gift to you, I am going to post the Easter story from Valtorte - my favorite of all accounts. It was in reading these books that my faith was transformed - into something much more intimate.

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